Science Demonstrations

Physics demonstration : Power of egg

In this demonstration I kept 3 eggs vertically and put weight ( a tile ) on it. The eggs didn’t break. I added 5-6 tiles but the eggs still didn’t break.
Reason : The oval shape of the egg evenly distributes the force applied on it when it is kept vertically. But when it is kept horizontal the egg breaks easily because it’s very thin and also it is not symmetric horizontally.

Chemistry demonstration : Dancing Raisins

In this demonstration I had put soda in a glass and then put some raisins in it. The raisins started coming up and going down again and again as if they are dancing.
 Reason : When we through raisins in the soda, the bubbles of the soda stick with the rough surface of the raisins making the raisins rise up along with the bubbles. But as bubbles reach the surface they burst making the raisins fall down again.

Biology demonstration : Types of leaf bases

In this demonstration I showed how the leaves can be classified according to the shape of their bases.
The types of leaf bases that were shown were :

Cuneate – Wedge shaped
Obtuse – Rounded
Truncate – Square or abruptly cut off
Cordate – Heart- shaped
Auriculate – Leaf lamina extends on lower side forming 2 lobes

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